Monday, February 23, 2009

My American Express Cards: Past and Present

In November 2008, I applied for an American Express Clear.

American Express has reported my new Clear as opened in 1990, to reflect my currently-closed Green Card.

Today, this is what Experian is showing:

*Please note, I have merged the images so that the cards are side-by-side for easier viewing. Nothing else has been altered.

You will notice that the Green card (left) indicates "Acct Type: Credit Card - Revolving Terms." The Green card was actually a charge card. I believe that is indicated as "Terms: 1 Month". My new Clear card is on the right.

Now that Experian has shown my new Clear as opened in 1990, I hope that Equifax and TransUnion will follow suit. This will hopefully improve my Average Age of Accounts, which should benefit my credit scores.